Living and aging well is a plan

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With Impact Healthcare SA, our aim is to develop a platform that coordinates and consolidates services and innovations to :

  • streamline the patient journey
  • preserve autonomy and homecare conditions, by addressing 4 major ills : isolation, fatigue, depression and pain
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Leading Swiss private company in the Canton of Vaud providing home support and care services for people who are temporarily or permanently fragile due to age, illness or disability.

The Swiss Pain Institute has developed an innovative strategy which carefully analyses the patient and their pain. The patient benefits from a holistic approach to their pain, all the way from initial diagnosis to treatment.

Based in the Canton of Geneva on two sites, Clinique de Maisonneuve has developed a personalised rehabilitation approach/support for post-acute in-patients and out-patients, in order to accompany them throughout their journey, for an improvement in their comfort until they return to their autonomy.

Founded in 2016 in Switzerland by Mourade and Catherine Djaouti, nurses, this company employs 60 people in the Canton of Vaud.

Recruitment and placement company for medical staff in the Canton of Vaud.


Discover the members who guide and bring long-term vision to the company.

Thierry Mauvernay

Thierry Mauvernay

President, Delegate of the Board, Après-demain SA
Valérie Calvayrac

Valérie Calvayrac

Asset Diversification Strategic Leader
Alexandra Le Coz Sanchez

Alexandra Le Coz Sanchez

Vice President, Capital Management
William Deflon

William Deflon

CEO, Impact Healthcare SA
Stéphane Jacquot

Stéphane Jacquot

Business development Director, Impact Healthcare SA